Configuration of the different modules

Configuration of the different modules#

The vast majority of SBART values can be easily configured by the user. However, the majority of them also takes sensible default values for a general application.

Each SBART object, as described in the Public interface, can define a list of “User Parameters”, where we present:

  • Parameter name - the key in the config dictionary

  • Mandatory: a boolean value to represent if it is mandatory or not.

  • Default Value - If it is not mandatory and not provided by the user, this will be the value

  • Valid Values - Conditions that the user-given parameter must comply with

  • Comment - description of the goal of the parameter

On top of that, each SBART object also has a “Base”, which can introduce extra “User Parameters” that are also available to be configured.


Lets take a look at a specific case, the one from ESPRESSO. This class provides two “User parameters. However, its “Base” is the Frame class, which introduces 4 other “User parameters”.

Thus, the user can change the following fields of a given ESPRESSO observation:

  • apply_FluxCorr

  • Telluric_Corrected

  • bypass_QualCheck

  • reject_order_percentage

  • minimum_order_SNR

  • spectra_format

Each different piece of SBART defines a set of parameters, which the user can override by providing a python dictionary, where the keys are the name of the parameter, and the values are the desired value. The user-provided values are then passed by a validation stage, raising an Exception if the user-provided value does not comply with the conditions that the parameter imposes.


The SBART objects normally provide a user_configs argument in their constructor that will accept the configuration dictionary. If this is not the case, explicit information will be given.