Template generation

Template generation#

The generation of templates is not directly controlled by the end-user. Instead, s-BART provides two interfaces that will automatically sort the observations (in the different sub-Instruments) and create independent stellar- and telluric-templates for each available sub-Instrument. Furthermore, the goal of these two interfaces (stellar and telluric) is to create the templates and, afterwards, the DataClass will load their relevant information

#   We start by loading some observations
from pathlib import Path
import os

resources_path = Path(os.curdir).absolute().parent.parent / "tests/resources"
input_filepath = [i.as_posix() for i in resources_path.iterdir() if "fits" in i.name]
from SBART.data_objects import DataClassManager
from SBART.Instruments import ESPRESSO
manager = DataClassManager()

data = manager.DataClass(
    storage_path = "",
FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [1], in <cell line: 8>()
      5 import os
      7 resources_path = Path(os.curdir).absolute().parent.parent / "tests/resources"
----> 8 input_filepath = [i.as_posix() for i in resources_path.iterdir() if "fits" in i.name]
      9 from SBART.data_objects import DataClassManager
     10 from SBART.Instruments import ESPRESSO

Input In [1], in <listcomp>(.0)
      5 import os
      7 resources_path = Path(os.curdir).absolute().parent.parent / "tests/resources"
----> 8 input_filepath = [i.as_posix() for i in resources_path.iterdir() if "fits" in i.name]
      9 from SBART.data_objects import DataClassManager
     10 from SBART.Instruments import ESPRESSO

File /usr/lib/python3.8/pathlib.py:1122, in Path.iterdir(self)
   1120 if self._closed:
   1121     self._raise_closed()
-> 1122 for name in self._accessor.listdir(self):
   1123     if name in {'.', '..'}:
   1124         # Yielding a path object for these makes little sense
   1125         continue

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/amiguel/phd/tests/resources'

Handling the telluric features#

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from SBART.template_creation.TelluricModel import TelluricModel

# This will be used to control the application of the selected algorithm to the different subInstruments
telluric_model_configs = {"CREATION_MODE": "tapas"}

ModelTell = TelluricModel(

# The telluric_configs will be used to configure the algorithm that was selected for the construction of the temlate
telluric_template_configs = {"continuum_percentage_drop": 1,
                             "download_path": (resources_path / "tapas.ipac").as_posix()

# After creating the telluric model, we load it into the DataClass.

first_frame = data.get_frame_by_ID(0)
wave, flux, _ ,mask = first_frame.get_data_from_spectral_order(147)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.scatter(wave[~mask], flux[~mask], color = "black", s=9, label = "Spectra")
plt.scatter(wave[mask], flux[mask], color = "red", s=9, label = "Telluric-rejected features")
plt.legend(loc=4, bbox_to_anchor=(1,1), ncol=2)

Stellar Model#

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